Thursday, March 1, 2012

SMART: Magic Pen

SMART Notebook 10 has a feature called Magic Pen. I recently discovered some new ways to use it.

You can find Magic Pen next to your other pen icons:

The first time I clicked on the icon all I discovered was a pen tool that works like disappearing ink. You write, and within a few seconds it begins to fade away and disappear. That could be kind of cool if you are wanting to highlight something only for a moment.

You see here how what I wrote first is starting the fade away:

There are two ways to use Magic Pen that I didn't know before.

To create a spotlight:

1. Click on Magic Pen and draw a circle.

Once your circle is drawn and you life the pen off the board, a spotlight will appear.

You can resize the circle and move the spotlight around to reveal smaller portions of your picture or text at a time.

To create a magnifier:

1. Click on Magic Pen and draw a rectangle.

2. Once your rectangle is drawn and you lift the pen off the board, a magnifier will appear.

You can move the magnifier around on the screen and resize it to magnify different parts of your picture or text.

These are just two new things I learned that I thought I'd share. It definitely adds another element to your lessons and would be easy for a student to do as well.

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