Thursday, December 15, 2011

SMART: Interactives

SMART Notebook and the SMART Exchange have some great interactive activities and templates that are already made for you. They are an easy way to make an activity interactive without putting in a lot of effort. If you haven't found these already, go to the content tab and search through the folders or for a specific item.

When you search, different file options appear. I've shown you how to choose the pictures. This time, click on Interactive and Multimedia. Here, activities, templates, and other items will appear. There are clocks, timers, math tools, sounds, and tons of science activities. Just double click to make it appear on your screen for use.

Here is a great one for first grade science:

I knew these were here, but I hadn't taken much of a look at them before. Thanks to a chat with a teacher, she showed me some things that would be helpful in her classroom. There are many places to get resources when planning your lessons and I would recommend looking through these interactives for ideas when planning those interactive lessons.

You can also visit this website: for more interactive lessons. Many of Skool's resources appear on the SMART Exchange.

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