Monday, April 19, 2010

Tools and Tricks

Using ActivInspire is so different and so much cooler than using Power Point, but still there are some program similarities. I remember going through college and learning how to make good Power Points. There are specific tricks of the trade and ways to make a Power Point really effective. Now using ActivInspire, there are new tricks of the trade. There are some ways to make a flipchart well paced, interactive, exciting, and effective. I have read through most of this website below:

For beginners, there are some directions. And for everyone new or old to ActivInspire or Promethean software, the "What Makes a Good Flipchart" and "Easy Teacher Tricks" are a must read.

I have also spent hours pouring over the resources available in ActivInspire. There is so much and the more familiar I become with them, the more I can incorporate them into my lessons. Besides the resources already in the resource browser, I can download Resource Packs from Promethean Planet with more resources in it. It is time consuming when there is that much out there to use, but as I sort through it all, the ideas keep flowing and the uses seem endless.

Tonight I found a Potato Head Designer (Resources-->General-->Characters) and made a fun writing activity I am going to try out this week.

I want to learn as much as I can about this technology and I hope you'll share what you learn too.

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